Ipad 2

Ipad 2

Friday, February 10, 2012

Storyboarding and Videotaping

1. Establishing shot-  In film, a camera shot that establishes a scene, often as a long shot. This is a common maneuver at the beginning of Hollywood films, especially if the setting plays a significant role.

2. Reverse shot- a shot that views the action from the opposite side of the previous shot, as during a conversation between two actors,giving the effect of looking from one actor to the other.

3. Extreme Close-Up- A picture taken at extremely close range; for example, an extreme close-up of a face might show only an eye. 

4. Over the Shoulder Shot- View of the primary subject with the back of another person's shoulder and head in the foreground. Often used in interview situations.

5. Action Shot- showing someone or something in motion.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

If I were to create a music video, what song would I choose and why? What would some of the video shots be for the music video? The song I would choose would be R.E.M.'s - It's The End Of The World. Since I have a blog about Ipads, it would show the destruction of the world because Apple would finally allow Adobe Flash player on it's mobile products like the Ipad, Iphone, and the Ipod Touch. It's mainly because Steve Jobs would never allow Flash player on his products